Founded in 2020, Britt Siess Creative Management LLC is a Seattle based full service literary and illustration agency with an emphasis on graphic novels. We are editorially focused and hands on as we work closely with our clients to develop their projects and guide them through publication and beyond. We aim to find the perfect home for each project.

Britt Siess began her publishing career at the Taryn Fagerness Agency, working in foreign rights before moving on to Wales Literary Agency. She then went to the sales division of The Quarto Group’s becker&mayer! imprint where she specialized in licensing and in selling both domestic and foreign rights. In 2018 she joined Martin Literary & Media Management as an Associate Literary Manager focusing on graphic novels and science fiction and fantasy, and was quickly promoted to Literary Manager, having secured book deals for her clients with each of the Big 5 publishers within her first year. In 2020, she founded Britt Siess Creative Management, which represents some of the biggest names in graphic novels and comics.

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