Britt Siess, President and Literary Agent
Britt Siess Creative Management represents primarily graphic novels and illustrated works, including picture books. Britt Siess, President and founder of BSCM, has a passion for comics and sequential art, as well as a keen editorial eye that she brings to every project. She works closely with all of her clients from project development to publication.

Katie Brackman, Agency Assistant
Katie was born and raised in Clarksburg, West Virginia with one foot in the forest and a book in both hands. She followed her love of words out west where she splits her time between her studies and fictional worlds. As BSCM’s Agency Assistant, she works directly with Britt, assisting in various administrative aspects of the agency.
BSCM uses Lyons & Salky Law, LLP, an NYC based firm specializing in the publishing and media industries to assist us in the negotiation of book contracts on behalf of our clients. We are pleased to be able to provide this service for our agency’s clients to be sure they are best set up for success.
BSCM’s foreign rights are handled by The Taryn Fagerness Agency.
BSCM works with a variety of co-agents when representing our clients for film and TV, including agents at TriadaUS, United Talent Agency, WME, and The Gotham Group.
For inquiries about a specific project, please email britt@brittsiesscreative.com.